
I have been learning to solve addition problems by first jumping by a tidy number then jumping back.

So What?
I have learned what a tidy number is and how to use them.  A tidy nimber is a number with a zero at the end.

Now What?
My next step is to use this strategy with larger numbers.


What?I am learning how to write an information report.

So What? I know an information report needs facts, you organise them into paragraphs, you need a heading, you can use pictures /photos.

Now what? I want to learn how to organise my facts into paragraphs.

Reading 2017

What is my learning goal? My goal is to get my activities all done.

What have I learned? That when you get distracted you don't get all your work done.

What is my next step? To get all my tasks done in a week and not get distracted.