Term 4 Discovery

We are learning to:
develop the key competencies through activity based learning.

Managing self
Using language, symbols and text
Participating and contributing 
Relating to others

Term 4 Reading

Miss Frampton:  What do good readers do?
Jordyn:  They sound out big words.

Term 4 Maths - Numeracy

I am learning to:
subtract in parts to solve equations

Jordyn's Maths Learning

Term 4 Writing - Science Process

WALT follow the scientific process to:

write a prediction of what will happen in an experiment.

draw and label what we observe in an experiment.

write a thoughtful conclusion about our experiment.

ask questions and wonder about science.

Term 4 Physical Education - Athletics

WALT move objects from one position to another position faster, more accurately and in fewer jumps.

WALT participate in creative and regular physical activities and identify enjoyable experiences.

Term 3 CARE - Bronze Award

We are learning to:
Community - Be a positive member of Oaklands School.
Active Thinking - Use our initiative when making choices.
Respect - Be kind and respectful towards others.
Excellence - Try our best in our learning.

Term 3 Writing

We are learning to:
write a description
use an iPad to publish our writing
read our writing in a clear voice

Term 3 Writing

We are learning to:
Write a description of a fruit.

Can you guess what the fruit is?

It is.....

Term 3 Maths - Measurement and Length

WALT estimate and measure a metre.

Miss Frampton: What is a metre long?
Jordyn: The plank on our pirate ship.

Term 2 Reading

We are learning to:
read with fluency and expression to a group

Term 2 Discovery

We are learning to:
develop the key competencies through activity based learning.

Managing self
Using language, symbols and text
Participating and contributing 
Relating to others

Student Reflection:
Harley and I helped each other to have a great idea. I made half and Harley made the other half and we put it together.

Term 2 Music

WALT clap a rhythm pattern

Extended Abstract
Clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.

I need help to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.

I can clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat if I am prompted or directed.
I use several strategies to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat but I am not sure when and or why to use them.

(trial and error – aware of strategies but not sure why or when to use them so makes mistakes)
I use several strategies to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat and I know when and why to use them.

(strategic or purposeful use of strategies – knows why and when ).
I use several strategies to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat and I know when and why to use them.
I can teach others to clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.

I act as a role model for others to help them clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.

I seek feedback on how to improve how I can clap a rhythm pattern with a steady beat.

Term 2 Writing

I am learning to use my red dictionary
to help me spell tricky words.

Term 2 Mathematics

We are learning to:

Instantly recall our...
* Basic addition facts to 20
* Subtraction facts to 10
* Doubles

We have been playing games to practice our basic facts and this is how you play...


Term 1 Maths Probability

WALT use everyday language to talk about chance.
WALT classify events as likely, maybe or unlikely.

We were given several pictures of different activities that might happen during the day.  We then had to decide what the probability would be of each activity happening on a Tuesday.

Miss Frampton: Jordyn, why did you put maths in the likely column?
Jordyn: Because we do maths everyday at school.

Term 1 Writing

We are learning to:
recall a personal experience

Term 1 Art Attack

WALT: use different materials and techniques to plan and create a picture of a Snail.

"Your snail's shell is very detailed because you painted the lines in a pattern" - Miss Frampton

Extended abstract

Elements:  Line, tone, texture, colour, form, shape, space

I need help to understand and use the elements of painting
My painting includes one relevant element
My painting includes several relevant elements
My painting includes several relevant elements

I consider how these elements will interact in my finished painting

I refer to the work of other artists to plan my painting
My painting includes several relevant elements

I consider how these elements will interact in my finished painting and seek feedback from others

I critique the work of other artists to inform my planning

I revise my plan in response to feedback from others

Techniques:  Sketching, correct brush strokes, colour mixing, texturing, applying black border
I need help to use the techniques we have learned this week
I use one technique independently and need help with others
I use several techniques independently
I use several techniques independently and can explain why they are appropriate to my artwork
I use several techniques independently and can explain why they are appropriate to my artwork

I adapt my techniques to better meet my purpose
Communicating and interpreting
I need help to identify elements and techniques used in my painting
I can identify one element and/or technique used in my painting
I can identify several elements and/or technique used in my painting
I can identify several elements and/or technique used in my painting and explain how they are used to communicate a message
I can identify several elements and/or technique used in my painting and explain how they are used to communicate a message

I evaluate how well my painting communicates the intended message

I make changes where necessary to better convey my message