Term 2 Art

  • create an art work using printmaking including leaf prints and sponging. 
Success Criteria
  • Identify which is the textured side of the leaf so we can use it successfully in our art
  • Include at least 4 leaf prints
  • Use autumn colours (Leaves should be white)
  • Use sponging technique (dab, dab, dab as opposed to wiping the paint on with the sponge)

  • Try not to sponge on top of leaves

Student Comment
What do you think is good about your painting?
"The red - just a wee bit on the leaf."

What would you do differently next time?
"Try not to get it on the leaf."

Term 2 Writing

We are learning to:
  •  draw a picture to help us think about the story we will write.
  •   say our story in a sentence.
Success Criteria
  • My picture will be detailed.
  •   I can tell my teacher my story.

Teacher Comment

Jordyn, great work on your detailed picture, and I can see that your picture tells us just what your story will be about!